Here we are
at the close of 2015. What an amazing
year, to say the least. I have always
been a goal setter, perhaps you would even call me a dreamer. If anyone I met ever told me I couldn’t do
something, I worked twice as hard to prove them wrong. Does this mean that all of my goals have been
met without some challenges and strife, or that all of my dreams have come
true? No, absolutely not, but setting
goals and having the courage to dream are what has defined my path. And looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing,
even with the goals I couldn’t quite reach or the dreams that didn’t quite come
true in the way I envisioned. Because in the end, the journey to those goals
and dreams led me to something even better.

When it came
time to start thinking about colleges and a career path, I knew I had to narrow
down my passions, and get a little more focused on what I wanted to do with my
life! From 9th grade on, I
had worked really hard in sports because I thought I really wanted to play
college basketball or volleyball. I
invested immense amounts of time playing basketball in the off-season trying to
gain the skills I needed to perhaps play at the college level. I dreamed of playing on the college
I was also
very involved in FFA all throughout high school. I loved every minute of every one of my FFA
opportunities. One day, early in my
senior year, I had a revelation so to speak.
I was beginning to come to the realization that college sports just may
not be my calling. I pondered what direction my path may lead if sports wasn’t at
the front and center of my goals. Then it hit me. My parents are truly amazing and supportive,
but the conversation my mom and I had after I came home from an FFA event one
day, dressed in my corduroy finery, is one I will never forget. She explained to me how after every FFA event
I attended, I would come home so excited and be “bouncing off the walls for
days.” She reminded me how I talked
endlessly about the people, the places and the things of FFA. How proud I was of my SAE, how I enjoyed
serving as Chapter President, and how I wanted to share agricultural
information with everyone I met. I was
stunned. There it was: my goal, my path,
my dream to follow. It had been
there all along, and I was already pursuing it!
I just needed to trust in my journey. I did love all things FFA and agricultural
education. I also loved sports and many
other extra-curricular events I was involved in, but none gave me the
excitement, joy and drive that FFA did.
After my
little epiphany, I began to focus my college search on agricultural education
instead of sports, and it immediately felt right. I dared to dream I could attend the University
of Minnesota. I dared to dream I could
continue my journey with FFA. I dared to
dream about running for state office. I know well enough that not all of my
dreams will become reality, but that is the beauty in dreaming. Sometimes we have to just pay attention to
what actually makes us happy to see the dream that really suits us. I don’t
feel like I gave up my dream of college sports, I just found the one that
better suited me and felt like a natural fit.
I want to
encourage all of you to set goals and follow your dreams. Have you thought about getting more involved in FFA? Taking part in a CDE that is new to you? How about a new part for your SAE? As FFA members we have the opportunity to
dream big about making strides in agricultural education and facing the
challenge of feeding the 9! Together we
can dare to dream about sustainable agriculture for our world! Just think what
can happen if Together we…Dare to Dream!

basketball coach once told me, “God gives us the outline for our lives, it’s up
to us to write the story.” I encourage all of you to dare to dream and
write your story.
Together We…
Dare to Dream
Madison Taylor