Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Grandpa

My Grandpa, Leonard Wulf, has always been one of my biggest role models. Although I was only seven years old at the time he passed away, he left behind a legacy that has helped guide me through many situations and is one of my biggest inspirations. I hear from family, friends, the community, and members of the beef industry about how he was a man of integrity, trust, and humbleness. Grandpa Leonard used a series of his own quotes throughout his lifetime, so after his passing our family compiled a list of his most popular quotes. This list of quotes has served me well through life and I kept the list in my FFA jacket pocket all through State Officer interviews. I would like to share a few of my favorite quotes. Being seven at the time, there is not much I can remember about Grandpa but the little that I do remember, and the many stories from the ones he inspired, have taught me many lessons.

“It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, and one mistake to lose it.”
Celebrities all over the world prove this quote true time and time again. A prime example would be Lance Armstrong; he won many awards and was very well respected but with one dishonest mistake, he lost it all. When thinking of him today, people remember only the mistake rather than all the things he has achieved. Every choice we make affects our reputation, and one bad choice can take many years of good choices to overcome. My father makes sure this saying rings through my head every day, and it serves as a good reminder!

“Keep your dealings honest and your words true.”
If every person in the world lived by this quote, it would be a much better place. Lies and broken promises never have a positive outcome.

“A job ain’t worth doing if it ain’t done right”
This is my favorite saying I have from my grandpa; I use it with every little task I do. It says a lot about commitment and how if we are given a job or accept a responsibility, we need to do the best we can and put our whole heart in it!

“Three things that are difficult to do in life- climb a fence leaning toward you, kiss a women leaning away from you, and help someone who doesn’t want help.”
Along with my grandpa’s wisdom, he had a good sense of humor! Although this saying isn’t much on the serious side, there is a lot of truth to it. Not only do we have to remember that we can’t help ones who don’t want help, we always have to have the humbleness to accept help from others. With only an 8th grade education my grandpa was always willing to accept help because the more help he received, the more he could learn to help him be successful.

Grandparents are a great role model in our lives. I never had the opportunity to connect with either of my grandpas at a mature age level. So if you have a grandparent with you today, give him a hug and never take him for granted.

Stationed by the Emblem of Washington,

Brady Wulf

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