Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How to be an #FFAchat Guru

On October 23rd, Minnesota FFA launched the first ever #FFAchat on Twitter. This means that anybody who clicked on #FFAchat on Twitter could see a conversation between any users who decide to participate in that "hashtag." Minnesota FFA's Twitter account asked questions to spark the conversation for an hour and a half, and FFA members, teachers, and supporters answered. #FFAchat became the #1 non-promoted trending hashtag on Twitter for nearly an hour, and millions of Twitter users online at that time were able to see the trending conversation.

"Tweets" answered questions ranging from the role agricultural education programs play in their community to what FFA members and supporters can do to support South Dakota FFA members and agriculturalists that lost a piece of their life in the devastating storm.

Never been on Twitter before?

On Twitter, but barely know how to tweet?

Posting updates from Twitter, but not really sure what #FFAchat is?

No problem.

To register for Twitter, you first must visit http://www.twitter.com and sign up for account. Once you are registered as a user on Twitter, you are able to follow people and start tweeting! Be sure to search for the Minnesota FFA Association by searching @MNFFA, and clicking the follow button.

In order to start participating in #FFAchat, you just have to watch your home feed for tweets from @MNFFA about the event on the specified date and time. The Minnesota FFA Association Twitter account will ask a question once the conversation time starts. For example, a tweet may look like this: “Q2: What is your favorite FFA activity? #FFAchat”

The “Q2” is the portion of the tweet that stands for the question number of the conversation. After the question is posted, you are able to post your answer to the question by answering in the following format: “Q2: My favorite FFA activity is always the local FFA corn drive! #FFAchat”

Notice how both tweets included “#FFAchat” at the end of their tweets. By clicking on this word or hashtag on Twitter, you are able to track ALL of the people who are answering to the questions. The page will likely automatically link you to the “top tweets” of #FFAchat, but you can see even more of the conversation by switching the option to “all tweets.”

When clicking on #FFAchat, this is how you can tell the magnitude and size of the conversation. The more people are posting, the bigger the conversation is. If you are in need of additional help, you can message me on Facebook or Twitter.

The very first time #FFAchat occurred, it trended. That is the goal of the conversation every night it is happening from now on, we want to keep this trend on a global scale!

Stationed by the Flag,

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