The CHS Miracle of Birth Center (MOBC) has been a highlight of the state fair since 2001. In this exhibit, fair goers are given the opportunity to learn about animal agriculture, veterinary science, and of course witness the miracle of birth. Over the course of the 12 days of the fair, over 200 calves, lambs, piglets, and chicks are born in front of the eyes of millions of people. MOBC is made possible because of the tremendous amount of supporters, members, and veterinarians from across Minnesota. This year 31 FFA members are given an amazing opportunity to educate people of all ages about the importance of animal agriculture.
-Marissa Oakland, Albert Lea FFA Member
"My favorite part was definitely being able to advocate and converse with many types of people! I was able to make an impact in peoples lives and made a difference in their views of farming and agriculture."
-Abbey Weninger, Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted FFA Member
Attached to MOBC is the FFA Chapter House and Leadership Center. This building is designed to help fair goers learn more about FFA and agriculture education. This site is lead by the state officers and region presidents.
MOCB and the FFA Chapter House and Leadership Center are not the only thing FFA members have been up to during the fair. At the beginning of the fair members were given the chance to compete against one another in dairy and livestock evaluation. At county fairs across the state there is a tractor and skid steer driving contest. If members placed high enough at the county fair, they can compete at state fair. This contest allows students to enhance their knowledge and skills of different farm equipment. This weekend is considered "FFA Weekend" here at the fair. Dairy, beef, goats, sheep, and swine will have their shows this weekend on Saturday and Sunday. Come and watch FFA members from across the state show off some of their Supervised Agricultural Experiences.
FFA is a crucial and exciting part of the state fair. There is still plenty of time to get yourself to the state fair. Come enjoy great food, amazing people, and of course all that FFA has to offer! Can't wait to see you at The Great Minnesota Get Together!
Stationed by the Plow,