Wednesday, April 13, 2016

One Day.

We all have a lot of days in our lives. In fact, I've had 6,849 days in my life so far. But when I think of great days, you know those best of the best days, 6,849 days don't come to mind. What does come to mind is one day: April 28th, 2015.

For so long in my life, I had waited for this particular day. The day where all my hard work and challenges would finally pay off. My life was forever changed when my name was called and I ran on stage as the 2015-2016 Minnesota FFA State Vice President.  This was a great day. 

Rewind three more weeks from this day: April 6, 2015.  My dad and I were in Arizona and decided to spontaneously take a day trip to the beautiful town of Sedona.  We hiked through the mountains, shared laughs in the car, and watched the sunset over one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen.  As we went on our adventure, I told my dad how I was wishing I could fast-forward in life.  Fast-forward to state convention, high school graduation, college...all of those big events.  I was such a forward thinker that I forgot to think about the now.  My dad thought for a little bit and then said, “Cherish the little moments.  Those big days will come but for now make today great.”

Since being elected to state office, I've had 352 days.  Most all of those days have been filled with laughter, joy, and happiness. Although some days have been filled with work or stress, as I reflect on my year of service, one thing continues to come to my mind: the idea of "one day."
Recently I came across a video called “The Time You Have in Jellybeans.”   A single jellybean represents one day.  Thousands of jellybeans are displayed on the floor.  Throughout the video, it shows how much of our lives we spend driving, eating, bathing, and doing other life necessities.  After all of those jellybeans are taken away, we are left with only a small portion of undecided jellybeans.  Days that are completely up to you.  Days where anything is possible.  

If you only had a handful of days left, what would you do?  So often in life we wait for that “one day.”  The day where everything will line up and things will be great.  We wait for a birthday, a CDE, a sports game or a big event to happen and those are the days we think of when we think of great days.  However, these days often come few and far between.   The truth is, we don’t have to wait for a special day to come around to make today great.  Why spend time wishing away days when you could be making today a day to remember?  Don’t think about what can happen in a month.  Don’t think about what can happen in a year.  Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to make the most of it.  

 Today is a good day to have a great day. Make today your "one day."

For the final time…

Stationed by the plow,

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