Monday, December 10, 2012

A Tribute

Future Farmers of America.

For most of the National FFA Organization's existence we have been known at the Future Farmers of America. We started as a group of dedicated men-  and later young men and women- who "believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds". Though the exact number is unknown, millions of FFA members have worn the blue jacket. From the first thirty-three farm boys to meet in Kansas City, to today's half-a-million strong membership, farming has always been the root of our organization. The scope of agriculture has grown over the years and FFA has recognized those changes, but the values we are founded upon rest with those thirty-three farm boys long ago.

A week ago, several of the state officers had the opportunity to attend Minnesota Farm Bureau's Annual Meeting. We met with legislators, heard words of wisdom from speakers, and had the opportunity to learn about current agricultural issues and legislation. There may have only been four blue jackets in the hotel, but there were hundreds of farmers there. They were the backbone of the conference and many of them had been in FFA before. Those farmers are the ones who raise the Angus cattle, pick up round bales until four in the morning, and watch the waves of grain roll across the plain. They are the ones who sit in a tractor at two in the morning on an Autumn night, listening to nothing but the steady pulse of the engine as the moonlight reflects off of the tractor's hood. They grow America, their communities, and their families.

Some of us in FFA are from farms, and some of us are not, but our blue jackets are a legacy of those who feed America. They have built for us a framework of tradition and excellence so that: "American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task".

So if you you have a few minutes check out Paul Harvey's tribute to farmers:

And remember to thank a farmer today.

Dare to Do,
From the Emblem of Washington
Nathan Daninger

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